Documents to Bring with You to Armenia

If you’re moving to Armenia long-term, you’ll already be bringing a lot of things with you when you move to Armenia. It’s also to remember that you might be far away from the country you’re coming from and getting important documents that might come in handy won’t be easy to get. These will be especially important if you plan to apply for dual citizenship. So, it’s best to take some time to get these documents in order and bring them with you when you move to Armenia. It’ll save you heaps of time if you ever need them.
Bring one original (or official copy), Apostilled, of the following documents:
Birth certificate
A birth certificate is needed for your dual citizenship application.
Marriage certificate
If you plan on staying in Armenia for an extended period and are married, you should bring your marriage certificate so that you can prove your marriage to your spouse.
International driver’s license
You can’t use your domestic driver’s license if you’re planning on driving in Armenia. You can apply for a driver’s license in Armenia or, what might be more convenient, you can see where to get an international driver’s license where you currently live before coming to Armenia.
If you are in the United States, you can get an International Driving Permit from AAA.
If you’re traveling to Armenia, you’ll have your passport with you. However, you should make a few copies and bring them with you. First, it’s always important to have copies of your passport when traveling. Second, passports are a commonly required form of identification in Armenia (this may seem especially unusual to Americans); many places require copies of your passport, including banks. Although you can find places to have copies of documents made easily in Yerevan (e.g. at metro stations), it doesn’t hurt to have a few copies with you until you get settled in.
Do not forget to also bring:
- Baptism certificate (translated and apostilled if necessary)
- Education certifications (translated and notarized)
- Vaccination documentation