Healthcare System Overview

Armenian citizens entitled to the Basic Benefits Package receive full coverage with no need to pay fees or subsidized services with the state paying part of the fees but the citizen being obligated to pay for the rest. Most health services are fully private, with the citizen fully responsible for payment. Armenia’s health care system features three principal components: the national or “republican” service level, which provides tertiary care hospitals and an epidemiological service; the regional service level, which provides hospitals; and the municipal and community service level, which has primary health care providers.
Currently, the average lifespan of a male is 67 years, while females are much higher at 75. The leading causes of death in Armenia are:
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Stroke
- Lung Cancer
- Breast Cancer
- Lung Disease
- Diabetes
NOTE: It should be noted that while diseases such as tuberculosis are considered a high risk, and neither Poliomyelitis nor Malaria have been noted in over a decade. If you are looking for work, particularly out of Yerevan, in the medical field, click here for a list of vacancies.
NOTE: Diseases the government will help you pay for treatment are included here.
Diabetes in Armenia is considered a social disease. The state has developed a diabetes care program, according to which patients can receive free endocrinologists’ consultations, undergo examinations in district clinics and receive vital medications (insulin and sugar-lowering tablets) for free. Since 2010, the Yeraz Charitable Fund has been operating in Armenia, the country’s only leading program for providing diabetic children with insulin and sugar-lowering medication. “Yeraz” closely cooperates with the endocrinological department of the “Muratsan” clinical complex of Yerevan State Medical University. The natural and climatic conditions of Armenia make it possible to successfully combat diabetes. Thus, clinical and experimental observations (T. Mnatsakanov, S.Mirzoyan, S. Dovlatyan, A.Vartanyan) found that the balneo-drinking resort “Jermuk” is quite indicated for the treatment of patients with diabetes of light and moderate form. Even a single intake of 250 ml. of mineral water lowers blood sugar. Beans and nuts traditionally used by Armenians in food also have a beneficial effect on the sick person: the bean leaf (due to the saturated fats contained in them) reduces blood sugar by 60% and normalizes insulin production; walnut kernels, dogwood, nettle, mulberry, flax, dandelion, etc. also reduce blood sugar. Their daily consumption reduces the risk of diabetes.
The Republic of Armenia under Article 5 (c) of the Law on Medical Assistance and Service to Population guarantees that all patients have the right to confidentiality regarding the very fact they consulted with a physician as well as the state of their health and any information gathered during examinations, diagnostics, and treatment. Moreover, Article 19 (c) of the same Law sets out the obligations of medical care and service providers to respect their patients’ confidentiality, except in cases provided for by Armenian legislation (for example, when the disclosure is required by law enforcement agencies). According to Article 145 of the Criminal Code of the RA patient data can be disclosed only upon request of the courts, the prosecutor’s office, authorities carrying out investigations, and other authorized entities in situations and according to procedures set by law. Currently, Armenia is in the stage of legislative reforms in this area. Amendments to the law on medical care and public services will be introduced soon which will provide a better regulat ion of the relationship between patients and health workers, while e-health system ARMED was already introduced.
As to filing a complaint about a doctor, Article 19 of the Law on Medical Assistance and Service to Population vaguely states that “medical service implementers” bear responsibility for dealing with illegal or improper medical activities, particularly where fault has caused damage to human health. It is quite unclear where to file a complaint about improper medical service delivery. However, in such cases we recommend first of all to report to the administration of the clinic if some minor violations take place and the solution can be found via negotiations. Based on the severity of the case, you can also protect your rights by lodging a complaint to Human Rights Defender or bring action in court. Please see above other opportunities to submit a complaint:
- Hotline of Human Rights Defender - 116, +374-96-116100
- Hotline of Yerevan Municipality - 105, +374-11-514000
- Hotline of the Ministry of Health - 8003
- Hotline for citizens’ complaints and appeals of staff of the Prime Minister of the RA - 117, +374-10-527000
NOTE: An online system makes it possible to submit an application, request or complaint without visiting a state body.
Language barrier for non-Armenian speakers is quite an obstacle when it comes to medical consultations. However, for Russian speakers have nothing to worry about since the overwhelming majority of doctors in Armenia speak Russian and can easily switch to it during their consultations. As for English, not all doctors have good language skills to an extent letting them easily consult a patient in English. In Armenia, unlike in the USA or Israel, medical institutions do not provide medical interpreters. You can though book an interpreter for medical consultation at the clinic.
PRO TIP: You can always ask for recommendations for doctors speaking specific languages in the Armenian Repatriates Network.
This type of service is provided within the package “Safe holiday” by Reso Insurance which can be received at VTBank. Another option is provided by Global Air Rescue company which works with Yerevan Zvartnots airport. They offer emergency medical teams, medical equipment and ground transport. Horizon Air Ambulance has been operating in Armenia for over 25 years transporting patients from and to Armenia. Their services are available in Yerevan, Goris, Gyumri, Tashir, Stepanavan. In 2019, the Ministry of Health for the first time introduced a new project in air ambulance service in cooperation with Armenian Helicopters LLC.
Certain members of society are eligible for free medical treatment in accordance with the law. It is recommended that you check in your specific case with the Ministry of Health, just to be sure.
1. Beneficiaries included in the system of family allowance with the rates of neediness of 30.01 points and higher
2. Invalids of 1st and 2nd groups
3. Invalids of 3rd group (under 18)
4. Children under 18
5. Participants of the great Patriotic War and persons equal to them
6. Women of childbearing age: pregnancy, prenatal/postnatal care
7. Adults without parental care (18-23)
8. Those with direction for additional medical examinations given by state eligible medical and social bodies
9. Individuals of conscription age
10. Military men and the members of their families; family members of those fallen during the defence of the RA and while doing their duties.
11. Employees of rescue services and members of their families, retired rescuers, disabled rescuers, members of the families of the rescuers died during their service.
12. Arrested and convinced people
13. Those who live in orphanages and retirement homes
14. Repressed peoples according to law
15. Participants in activities to eliminate Chernobyl accident consequences
16. People who’ve suffered trafficking
17. Refugees and members of their families
18. People who retired from military service as a result of injuries, diseases but are not considered disabled (within the frames of rehabilitation programs by eligible state bodies).
Those eligible for free treatment are also eligible for free medication, provided by their registered polyclinics, should it be in stock. Children under 18 are also provided with many of the meds required, should the polyclinic be stocked with what he or she needs. Those eligible can receive such medical care as:
- Arthroscopic surgery
- Surgery for bone injuries, including metal constructions
- Stone removal
- Prostate surgery
- Scleroplasty and keratoplasty (corneal transplant)
We thought this topic needed a separate subheading since it will confuse many repats. While most of the world uses the ABO system with the positive and negative rhesus, Armenia and most post-Soviet countries opt for the number system. Below you can understand which is which. You will notice that police, as well as army personnel, have such badges to help identify their blood transfusion needs more easily should they be caught in a situation requiring it. When you go in for a blood test, these are the numbers you will be told. When you are asked, use these numbers to fill out your doctor’s questionnaire.
- 0 (I) – first type;
- A (II) – second type;
- B (III) – third type;
- AB (IV) – fourth type
Disability pensions are available for individuals who obtained injuries and are not considered disabled due to their work, as well as from birth defects, childhood illnesses, natural and technical disasters, etc. For those who are disabled due to non-work circumstances, a pension is provided should one have a certain amount of work experience. Those not deemed eligible for the pension are provided with benefits instead.
- Up to 23 years of age - 2 years
- 23-25 - 3 years
- 26-28 - 4 years
- 29-31 - 5 years
- 32-34 - 6 years
- 35-37 - 7 years
- 38-40 - 8 years
- 41-43 - 9 years
- 44+ - 10 years
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