Applying to Kindergartens and Schools in Armenia

There are two types of schools available in Armenia, public and private, beginning at nursery/kindergarten, up to high school. The process slightly differs between each private institution, and you will have to ask them for their respective institutions.
By law, all public schools are free. You will need to enroll the children first in kindergarten (though you have the choice not to), and later in the school of your choice, normally within the vicinity. Both Kindergartens and schools are numbered, though some have official names as well. Education is compulsory in the Republic of Armenia from the ages of 6 to 16. It is the responsibility of parents to register their children for school. Upon turning 16, a child can leave school with the permission of his or her parent(s) or guardian(s).
According to the Ministry of Education, there are five areas of education in Armenia: preschool, elementary, general, secondary, and general special education.
Registering at a kindergarten
Kindergartens in Armenia provide children with all the necessities to get through the day. This includes meals in the morning, at lunch and snacks in the afternoon. There are private kindergartens that provide up to six meals a day. Some kindergartens are focused on including fruits and veggies, while others are less expensive and ensure the carbs, at least a soup, but lack the additional vitamins and minerals. You will have to shop around and find the right kindergarten to meet your needs.
While public kindergartens are free of charge, private ones range from 20,000 to 250,000 AMD a month. It depends on the type of space, the location, and a whole slew of additional activities offered. We’ve put together a list of private kindergartens here.
To register at a private kindergarten, check with their administration. To register at a public kindergarten, enroll early in May to save you a spot. You can check where on the waitlist your child is at any given point on where you will initially go through the registration process.
You will need:
-Copies of the parents’ passports
-Copy of the child’s birth certificate
-Official document proving registered address from the police station
-Two 3x4 photos
-Official document (26 dzev) from child’s registered polyclinic
-Application form - filled on site
-Signed contract - signed on site
Other items you may need to send with your child in kindergarten include:
-Change of clothing
-Pajamas if they nap
-Indoor shoes
-Comb/hair accessories
-Children’s toilet seat
-In the summer, you may need: hat, swimsuit, flip flops/sandals, large towel
-If your children are under 3, you may need: extra change of clothing, bibs, children’s utensils, diapers
Registering at Public Schools
Basic schooling is mandatory in Armenia, for which reason all public schools are free of charge. All children up to the age of 16 must attend school, after which, and only with their parent’s written consent, can they opt to drop out. Repatriates and expatriates would have to consult with the school’s principal about the child’s needs and educational standards before acceptance. An assessment by the school will determine the grade in which they will be placed.
Public schools in Armenia teach the Armenian curriculum as outlined by the ministry, but also include language classes teaching English, Russian, French, German, Spanish, Greek, and Chinese. In order to register your child, you will need:
A completed application form with the principal’s name mentioned
2 photographs (color, 3x4)
For the 1st grade, you will need registered residence documents
A copy of the child's birth certificate
A certificate on child's health status (from the medical institution where the child receives medical services)
A record of academic progress for children changing schools
Graduation diploma for those applying for grades 10-12
The personal file (transcript) of the student (applicable to those enrolling in a class higher than first grade)
If you opt for private schools, the list of by Yerevan disctricts is available here.