Applying for Dual Citizenship

It is strongly recommended that you apply for dual citizenship while in your home country. There are many reasons for this but, most importantly, it ensures that you will be able to provide all the necessary paperwork. If Armenian is your second language or if you don’t feel comfortable communicating in it, especially as it concerns legal documents, you should definitely apply in your home country.
Compared to most countries, applying to dual citizenship in Armenia is a relatively easy and straightforward process if you are of Armenian heritage: you do not need to live in the country or take a test to receive citizenship. However, applying for and being granted citizenship is a serious matter and the process should be approached as such. After June 2022, citizenship applications are reviewed within up to 90 working days (4,5 months).
What You Need to Apply
1) Original birth certificate translated to Armenia and notarised.
2) Completed citizenship application in Armenian and hand writing. You can see the blank here.
3) Passport copy translated to Armenian and notarised.
4) Proof of Armenian heritage.
* Document of baptism given by religious institutions with a note of Armenian nationality of the applicant or their parent. NOTE: If you don’t have a certificate, your church may be able to confirm your Armenianness, certified by the embassy in your country of citizenship. This must also be attested/apostilled.
NOTE: Please see the list of the churches (Annex 4 of the Decisions of the RA Government) issuing baptism documents which confirm Armenian national origin of the baptized person considered as documents attesting the Armeniannational origin.
- Document stating Armenian nationality given by the competent authorities of the foreign country apostilled or with consular authentication.
- Other supporting documentation of Armenian nationality, authenticated
- The birth certificate or other identification of a parent /grandfather, grandmother, sister of brother/, which has a note of Armenian nationality. Birth certificates of brothers and sisters from common parents may be accepted as proof of Armenian nationality, if their nationality is due to the nationality of their common parents. There must also be a supporting document of relation issued by the competent state authorities.
- Passports, birth certificates, certificates of residence, travel documents, documents stating residency for non-citizens in RA are also considered supporting documents if stating having Armenian nationality.
IMPORTANT: speaking, reading, or writing Armenian does not prove Armenian heritage, neither does having an Armenian name.
5) Six (6) head-shot photos (3.5 X 4.5)
6) Photocopies of all your documents.
7) 1,000 AMD application fee.
Although the payment is 1,000 AMD to apply for citizenship, you will need to have some coins with you because the payment is made through a machine which itself costs 100-200AMD.
Process in Armenia
1) Book an appointment on the online platform of the Migration and Citizenship Service
2) On the booked day, please proceed to the OVIR - Main Passport and Visa Deparment in Davtashen (first floor, first hallway on the right, walk down hallway, last door on right).
3) Wait your turn.
4) When called, hand over your documents to the person helping you.
5) If accepted, pay at the machine on the second floor; a clerk should be there to help you.
6) Return to the desk and hand the receipt of your payment to the clerk.
Process outside Armenia
1) Go to your closest Republic of Armenia consulate or embassy.
2) Inform staff you are applying for dual citizenship.
3) Wait your turn.
4) When called, hand over your documents to the person helping you.
5) If accepted, pay the amount required.
You can check the fees applied here.