Parking in Yerevan

If you’ve got a car, you’re going to have to park it at some point. Here is are some quick tips about how you can park your car and avoid any parking tickets!
Stay within the red dotted lines
Street parking is designated by the red dotted lines so when you have to park your car on the street, make sure it’s between the red dotted lines. If you’re outside the red lines, you can get a ticket.
You’ve got fifteen minutes
If you only need to park for a moment to load your groceries, pick someone up or drop them off, or make a delivery, you’ve got five free minutes of parking.
After your first fifteen minutes, you have to pay. You can pay for parking a number of different ways and for different lengths of time. If you’re going driving around a lot, consider purchasing the monthly or yearly plan to avoid having to purchase parking every time you need it. The city is divided into A and B zones.
Rates for A zone
Up to 1 hour: 300 AMD
All-day: 2,000 AMD
Weekly: 5,000 AMD
Monthly: 18,000 AMD
Yearly: 160,000 AMD
Rates for B zone
Up to 1 hour: 200 AMD
All-day: 1,000 AMD
Weekly: 2,000 AMD
Monthly: 4,000 AMD
Yearly: 24,000 AMD
How to pay?
Cash payment terminal (Telcell, EasyPay) (charges 200 AMD)
Internet Payment System (iDram, Mobidram)
Online (ArCA, Virtual ArCA, MasterCard, iDram)
Via SMS by following these steps
For 1 hour in A zone - Text “00xx000” (license plate number) to 1045
For 1 hour in B zone - Text “00xx000” (license plate number) to 5045
Payment terms
If paying with your phone, your time starts when you receive a message. You will get cautionary message during five minutes before the deadline passes. Payment for one day is in force from the payment time until the next day at the same time (i.e. 24 hours). If you pay for one year, your parking payment will be in effect until December 31 of the payment year.
Parking after-hours
Always check signage first but parking between midnight and 9AM is free throughout the city. So, if you need to park your car overnight (within the red dotted lines), no problem - just make sure to get your car out of there by 9AM so you don’t get fined!